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cyclone separator

The cyclone separator is a device used for separation of gas-solid systems or liquid-solid systems. The working principle is that solid particles or liquid droplets with large inertial centrifugal force are thrown away from the outer wall by the rotational movement caused by the tangential introduction of the airflow. It is a kind of separation equipment widely used in industry.
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The cyclone separator is a device used for separation of gas-solid systems or liquid-solid systems. The working principle is that solid particles or liquid droplets with large inertial centrifugal force are thrown away from the outer wall by the rotational movement caused by the tangential introduction of the airflow. The main features of cyclone separator are simple structure, flexible operation, high efficiency, convenient management and maintenance, and low price. It is used to capture dust with a diameter of 5-10μm or more. It is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry and is especially suitable for coarse dust particles. It has a large dust concentration and is often used as an internal separation device in a fluidized bed reactor or as a pre-separator under high temperature and high pressure conditions. It is a widely used separation equipment in industry.

The cyclone separator is a dry gas-solid separation device that uses the centrifugal force generated by the gas-solid mixture to rotate at high speed to separate dust from the airflow. Since the centrifugal force experienced by the particles is much greater than gravity and inertial force, the separation efficiency is high.
The purified natural gas enters the cyclone separator in the equipment through the entrance of the equipment.

When the impurity gas enters the cyclone separator tube along the axial direction, the airflow is guided by the guide blades to generate strong rotation, and the airflow spirally enters the cyclone barrel down the barrel. , The dense droplets and dust particles are thrown to the wall under the action of centrifugal force, and under the action of gravity, fall along the wall of the cylinder and flow out of the dust outlet of the cyclone pipe to the liquid storage area at the bottom of the equipment, and flow out from the liquid outlet at the bottom of the equipment . The rotating airflow shrinks in the cylinder and flows toward the center, forming a secondary vortex upward, flows through the air duct to the purified natural gas chamber, and then flows out through the outlet on the top of the equipment.

The main features of the cyclone separator are simple structure, flexible operation, high efficiency, convenient management and maintenance, and low price. Welcome to buy.



Read more: The role of cyclone separator and precautions for use

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