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Copyright © 2018 Hebei Xinxing Gas Pressure Regulator Co., Ltd.

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Gas Regulator

RTZ-※/※FQ Gas pressure regulator skid
RTZ-※/※FQ Gas pressure regulator skid
RTZ-※/※FQ Gas pressure regulator skid
RTZ-※/※FQ type Gas pressure regulator skids are new-type pressure regulator skids instead of the measured (self-operated) ones, applied to stabilization and regulation of the pressure of natural gas, coal gas, liquefied gas and other non-corrosive gases, and applied to pressure regulation of civil residences and small apartments.
RTZ-※/※Q Series Shut-off Gas Regulator
RTZ-※/※Q Series Shut-off Gas Regulator
RTZ-※/※Q Series Shut-off Gas Regulator
Low and medium-pressure Shut-off Gas Regulator is applied to industrial users of medium-sized furnace or pressure regulation of building or unit. Its automatic overpressure shut-off device can be reset manually. It is the typical equipment for pressure regulation of building or unit.
RTZ-※/※F Regulator
RTZ-※/※F Regulator
RTZ-※/※F Regulator
Product name: RTZ-※/※F Regulator Product use: Working medium: natural gas, artificial coal gas, liquefied petroleum gas, air, etc. Applied to pressure regulation of courtyard, building, unit and small direct-fired equipment.
RTZ-※/※H Regulator
RTZ-※/※H Regulator
RTZ-※/※H Regulator
RTZ-※/※H Regulator - Product use Working medium: natural gas, artificial coal gas, liquefied petroleum gas, air, etc. Applied to pressure regulation of courtyard, building, unit and small direct-fired equipment.
RTZ-※/※ Medium Pressure Service Before-meter Gas
RTZ-※/※ Medium Pressure Service Before-meter Gas
RTZ-※/※ Medium Pressure Service Before-meter Gas
The pressure regulator Before-meter Gas is designed to perform urban medium-pressure gas supply. The product's design and manufacturing refer to overseas prototype and structure principle. It is designed, researched and developed by our technicians.
RTZ-※/※K Direct Acting Regulator
RTZ-※/※K Direct Acting Regulator
RTZ-※/※K Direct Acting Regulator
Direct Acting Regulator applied to reduction and stabilization of the pressure of direct-fired unit, gas-fired boiler, residential gas supply and large smelting furnace.
RTZ-※/※DQ Series Regulator
RTZ-※/※DQ Series Regulator
RTZ-※/※DQ Series Regulator
Product use DQ series gas pressure regulators are applied to reduction and stabilization of the pressure of boiler, large kiln, and residential gas supply. Product features 1) Large flow capacity, rapid response speed and high stabilized voltage accuracy. 2) Built-in shut-off mechanism and compact structure. 3) Simple structure, easy maintenance and easy on-line maintenance.
RTZ-※/※KⅡ Series Direct Acting Regulator
RTZ-※/※KⅡ Series Direct Acting Regulator
RTZ-※/※KⅡ Series Direct Acting Regulator
DQ series gas Direct Acting Regulators are applied to reduction and stabilization of the pressure of boiler, large kiln, and residential gas supply.
RTJ-※/※NL Regulator
RTJ-※/※NL Regulator
RTJ-※/※NL Regulator
Product use The Gas pressure regulator is widely applied to coal gas, natural gas, mine gas and other non-corrosive gases. When the medium contains some corrosive substances like sulfur and benzene, fluororubber gasket is available. Product features 1) Large flow capacity; 2) Rapid response speed, and able to be used with the solenoid valve. 3) Simple structure and easy maintenance.