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Pressure regulating skid

Pressure regulating skid is one of the equipment of LNG gasification station. Hebei Xinxing Gas Pressure Regulator Co., Ltd., as a professional manufacturer of LNG gasification pressure regulating equipment, provides you with quality pressure regulating skid. Welcome to buy.
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LNG Pressure regulating skid has become the main gas source or transitional gas source for cities that use pipeline natural gas to supply gas. It is also a supplementary gas source or peak shaving gas source for many cities that use pipeline natural gas for gas supply. LNG gasification station is a satellite station for receiving, storing and distributing LNG.

It is also an intermediate adjustment place for cities or gas companies to transfer LNG from manufacturers to users. LNG gasification stations have been gradually built in many small and medium-sized cities with developed economies and energy shortages along the southeast coast of China due to their short construction period and the ability to quickly meet the needs of the gas market. They have become gas supply facilities or transitional supply before the arrival of pipeline natural gas. Gas facilities.

LNG gasification station integrates LNG cryogenic storage tanks (steel cylinders, tank trucks), air-temperature vaporizers, pressure reducing valve groups, dosing devices, and metering systems into one, and integrates them in accordance with a reasonable process flow. Compact structure, small size, and high degree of automation.

Pressure regulating skid is one of the equipment of LNG gasification station. Hebei Xinxing Gas Pressure Regulator Co., Ltd., as a professional manufacturer of LNG gasification pressure regulating equipment, provides you with quality pressure regulating skid. Welcome to buy.

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