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LNG vaporizer

LNG vaporizer is a device that heats liquid gas in the LNG vaporizer until it is vaporized (turned into gas). Simply put, the cold liquid gas becomes gaseous after passing through the "LNG vaporizer".
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LNG vaporizer is a device that heats liquid gas in the LNG vaporizer until it is vaporized (turned into gas). Simply put, the cold liquid gas becomes gaseous after passing through the "LNG vaporizer". Heating can be indirect (steam heating vaporizer, hot water bath vaporizer, natural ventilation air bath vaporizer, forced ventilation vaporizer, electric heating vaporizer, solid heat conduction vaporizer, Or heat transfer fluid) or direct (hot gas or submerged combustion). The picture on the right is a type of LNG vaporizer.
The air-temperature gasifier is a new type of high-efficiency, environmental-friendly and energy-saving gasification device that utilizes the characteristics of decompression gasification of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), such as LNG vaporizer. And other gases to realize gas gasification. A device in which a liquid gas is heated in a vaporizer until it vaporizes (turns into a gas). To put it simply, the icy liquid gas turns into a gaseous gas after passing through the "lead vaporizer". Heating can be indirect (steam heated vaporizers, hot water bath vaporizers, natural draft air bath vaporizers, forced draft vaporizers, electrically heated vaporizers, solid heat conduction vaporizers or heat transfer fluid), or direct (hot gas or immersion combustion). The picture on the right is a type of gasifier, an air-bath gasifier.

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