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What is a Pressure vessel

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A pressure vessel refers to a closed device that contains gas or liquid and carries a certain pressure. In order to implement scientific management and safety supervision more effectively, pressure vessels are divided into three categories according to working pressure, medium hazard, and their role in production.

A pressure vessel refers to a closed device that contains gas or liquid and carries a certain pressure. In order to implement scientific management and safety supervision more effectively, pressure vessels are divided into three categories according to working pressure, medium hazard, and their role in production.

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Different regulations are made for the design, manufacturing process, and inspection items, contents, and methods of each category of the Pressure vessel. First, it is divided into the first group of media and the second group of media according to the medium, and then the categories I, II, and III are divided according to pressure and volume. applied.
The pressure vessel is a kind of airtight container that can withstand pressure. It has a wide range of uses and plays an important role and role in many sectors such as industry, civil use, military industry, and many fields of scientific research. Among them, the chemical industry and petrochemical industry are the most used, and the pressure vessels used in the petrochemical industry alone account for about 50% of the total number of pressure vessels.
In the chemical and petrochemical fields, pressure vessels are mainly used for heat transfer, mass transfer, reaction, and other processes, as well as storage and transportation of pressurized gases or liquefied gases; they are also widely used in other industrial and civil fields, such as air compression. machine. All kinds of special compressors and auxiliary equipment of refrigeration compressors (coolers, buffers, oil-water separators, gas storage tanks, evaporators, liquid coolant storage tanks, etc.) belong to this category.
Through the above introduction and analysis of What is a Pressure vessel, hope it helps you.