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Classification of Pressure Vessel

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There are many classification methods for Pressure Vessels. From the perspective of use, manufacture, and supervisory inspection, there are the following types.

There are many classification methods for Pressure Vessels. From the perspective of use, manufacture, and supervisory inspection, there are the following types.

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(1) According to the pressure level of the Pressure Vessel, it is divided into low pressure vessels, medium pressure vessels, high pressure vessels, and ultra-high pressure vessels. (2) According to the packaging medium, it is divided into non-flammable, non-toxic; flammable or toxic; highly toxic.
(3) According to the different functions in the process of a Pressure Vessel, it is divided into ①Reaction vessel: the vessel used to complete the physical and chemical reactions of the medium. ②Heat exchange container: the container used to complete the heat exchange of the medium. ③Separation container: a container used to complete the mass exchange of medium, gas purification, solid, liquid, and gas separation. ④Storage and transportation container: a container used to hold liquid or gas materials, storage and transportation media or to balance and buffer pressure.
Through the above introduction and analysis of the Classification of Pressure Vessel, hope it helps you.

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